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Year 5/6 Boys Finalists!

On Monday 5th November, the Y5 and 6 boy's football team went to Fulham FC's Training Ground at Motspur Park to take part in the EFL Kid's Cup Regional Qualifier.


The boys were placed in a group of 6. Through fierce determination and a fantastic show of character, the boys battled hard and progressed through from the group stages to the semi finals with 2 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses. 


The boys played an intense final game against Latchmere in which an end-to-end game finished in a 1-0 win for St Joseph's!


The boys played valiantly in the final, but came unstuck against a fantastically well drilled Cleeve side. The boys never gave up and gave 100% until the final whistle. Due to reaching the final, the boys will return to Fulham FC in December to vie for the title of regional champions against other finalists from across the borough!


An exceptional effort from the boys and every at St Joseph's is extremely proud of them. 
