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Late/Absence Procedures

At St. Joseph's we strive to achieve the highest attendance possible, as there is a direct link between attendance and attainment. Absence from school interrupts teaching and learning, and affects children's progress and wellbeing.

New legislation states that, head teachers may only grant a leave of absence in "exceptional circumstances".


Therefore requests for holidays in term time will not be granted, and a Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued if holiday or other unauthorised leave is taken during term time, with a penalty of £60 per adult, per child.


Children are expected in class by 8:50am each morning and registers are taken at this time. If a child arrives after 8:50am but before 9.15am they will receive a late mark in the register.  If a child arrives after 9:30am without a valid reason they will receive an unauthorised absence mark for the morning sessions.


We understand that there will be a small number of occasions whereby your child may be too ill to attend school. In these circumstances, parents are asked to notify the school office of their child's absence by 9:15am. 


There may be occasions when a child will need to be absent due a medical/hospital/dentist appointment.  We ask that these appointments are made outside of school hours where possible and the school office is notified of any appointments in advance. The school office will request a copy of the appointment letter/confirmation text or email in order to authorise the absence. 

