Catholic Life Committee Committee Members: Melanie Flory (Chair), Angela Combe, Lorraine Flower, Vanessa Vaughan |
Terms Of Reference: Responsibilities: all committees have the following responsibilities: 1. To uphold, promote and enhance the Catholic foundation and ethos of the school in accordance with our mission, vision and values. 2. To receive reports from members of staff about matters relating to any of the issues listed in their terms of reference. 3. To contribute to, monitor and evaluate relevant parts of the School Evaluation Form (SEF), the School Development Plan (SDP) and the policies allocated to them, reporting or making recommendations to the full governing body. 4. To consider recommendations from relevant external reviews for example audit, Ofsted or local authority review, to agree the actions needed to address any issues identified and to monitor and evaluate regularly the implementation of any plan agreed, reporting or making recommendations to the Full Governing Body (FGB). 5. To consider the views of pupils when making strategic decisions that will impact them. 6. To consider the impact on equality, referencing the protected characteristics, when making recommendations and when reviewing/drafting policies. 7. To take appropriate action on any other relevant matter referred by the governing body.
Curriculum and Achievement Committee Committee Members: Zenaid Richards (Chair), Mike Bawn, Penny Rickard, Sarah Brown, Vanessa Vaughan, Lorraine Flower |
Terms Of Reference:
Our aim is to support the Head and teachers in providing excellent teaching within the school, ensuring that each child fulfils their true potential. We do this by careful consideration of the curriculum and by supporting school initiatives to ensure that the widest possible range of subjects are being taught in an inspirational and successful way. Each Subject Leader reports to us termly with an overview of how the subject is being taught and how each class is progressing within that subject. We also monitor the school's overall attainment on a regular basis and work with the Senior Leadership team to ensure that the School Development Plan is on track.
Finance & Resources Committee Committee Members: Max Yao (Chair), Penny Rickard, Andy Waterworth, Lorraine Flower In attendance: Aleks Dyrka (School Business Manager) |
Terms Of Reference:
The Financial Performance Sub-Committee monitors the school's financial well-being and supports the Headteacher in her initiative to improve the school's controls over expenditure. We meet at least once a term and more frequently during the Spring term, when the budget is being prepared. In addition, the Chair meets periodically throughout each term with the Business Manager (Bursar) and Headteacher to review the school's finances. The Financial Performance Committee's main responsibilities are : Finance, Staffing, Premises and Health and Safety. |