Home Page

Year 4

Useful websites:


Meet the teacher presentation

Multiplication Tables Check Information Slides

Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page! 


Class Teacher: Mr Burbage

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Kavazova, Mrs McLoughlin



Homework is handed out on Fridays and due in the following Wednesday.

The homework consists of:

- 1 maths sheet linked to the week's learning.

- 1 spelling practice sheet.

- 1 reading comprehension or writing sheet.

- 1 Times Table Rock Stars sheet.


Reading Books

All children have a reading book and a reading record. Year 4 children read daily for at least 15 minutes. We ask parents/carers to sign their name daily and write any comments each time you listen to your child read, and also when they have completed their book. When they have finished reading their book, pupils are able to change them when they arrive at school each morning. The class teacher and assistant check the reading records daily. 



Children have PE on Wednesday with Mr Burbage and Thursdays with Mr Upton. Please ensure children wear their PE kits all day in school on these days. No jewellery is permitted.


Finally, thank you for all the hard work you do at home to make your child's education a success!

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