Home Page

Year 3

Hello and Welcome to Year 3!

Class Teacher: Miss G Furioso Oliveira

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Judit & Miss Coppin





 Subject Given out  Due in *    
 English         Friday       Wednesday
 Maths  Friday Wednesday


Times Table



NOTE: All home learning is put in children's home learning paper wallets. Please keep them safe.


Reading Books

All children have a reading book and reading record to bring home and share with parents/carers. When they have finished reading their book, children are able to change them at school each morning.

Parents please sign your name, date and record the page numbers read by your child, even if they have not finished the book. We encourage reading to happen every night.


PE Days and Uniforms


Year 3 have indoor PE lessons on MONDAY and outdoor PE on TUESDAY.

On these days, children should wear their PE kits to school instead of school uniforms. These should be taken home and washed after each use.

Please put your child's name inside all school jumpers and cardigans to avoid them being misplaced. 


Water bottles

Children must bring in a labelled water bottle each day. These can be refilled in school.

Online Learning

Children will be set a Reading Eggs task to complete each month. This website is great for expanding their reading comprehension skills. It can be used for home learning as often as you like.


Please let us know for any issues accessing the internet, so that we can ensure your child has alternative home learning!


Times Tables

The times tables homework is to play at least 10 garage games on the Times Tables Rock Stars website. These times tables in the garage section of the website are chosen specifically for your child. The number of games that has to be played resets every Friday.


Feel free to email me for queries the office cannot answer at:


Many thanks,

Miss G 
