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Yr2 - St Francis of Assisi


As a young man, Francis liked to have a good time. His father was rich. But once, when he was sick, Francis heard our Lord calling him to leave the world and follow Him. Francis began to visit the hospitals and to serve the sick. He used to say, "When one serves the poor, he serves Christ Himself."
Francis put on the clothes of a poor shepherd and began to preach to the people about peace with God, peace with one's neighbor, and peace with one's self. He looked on all people and things as his brothers and sisters because they were all created by the same God.
Francis took twelve young men to Rome with him, and the Pope gave him permission to start a new religious order, the Franciscans. He also helped St. Clare to start the order known as the Poor Clares.

Francis had a vision in which he saw Jesus hanging on the Cross. The marks of the five wounds of Jesus were left in his hands, his side, and his feet, which remained with him all his life.

When Francis became very ill, he prayed, "0 Lord, I thank You for the pains which I suffer." He died October 4, 1226.
