Home Page

Year 2

Class Teachers: Mrs Welikala (Monday- Wednesday) & Mrs Baker (Thursday- Friday)

Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Barbara & Miss Abdou


PE takes places on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please ensure your child arrives at school in their PE kit on those days. 


Homework will go out on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Wednesday. 


Reading books

Your child's reading books can be changed throughout the week. Please sign your child's reading record each time you hear them read and when they finish a book. Book bags with reading records and books should be brought in everyday. 

Online Learning

Your children's log in details are in the front of their reading records.



Times Tables and Number facts: Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots

Children can practise their times tables and number facts on these fun websites above. 


Phonics and Reading: Reading Eggs


Children will be set a Reading Eggs task to complete each month. This website is great for expanding their phonics and reading comprehension skills. It can be used for home learning as often as you like.


Letters from Florence Nightingale by Year 2.

Moving monsters by Year 2

Concentric circles and blown paint trees, inspired by Clarice Cliff.

Information Texts

Spellings: Words your child should learn to spell

Links within Website

Please feel free to email us at

