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Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Reception Class Page!


Class Teacher: Ms Kelly Aziz   

Teaching Assistants: Miss Wegner and Mrs Janda

In Reception, we learn through play-based learning where we investigate, explore and discover whilst developing our independence. To find out more information about our Curriculum please click the following link: 

Meet the Teacher Presentation

School Uniforms

All children should be wearing:

  • Blue polo shirt (NOT WHITE) with the school logo
  • Either grey school trousers (NO LEGGINGS) or grey school skirt/pinafore. Girls are able to wear the summer blue and checked dress until October half term.
  • Blue school cardigan or sweatshirt


PE clothing should be worn on PE days, which are Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The PE uniform is: PE t-shirt in the child's house colour, with school logo, black shorts/jogging bottoms, with the school cardigan or sweatshirt, the children will stay in their PE kit all day so there is no need to bring in uniform as well.



Our library day is on Friday. The children borrow a book from our school library every Friday. The books should be returned by Friday in order to choose a different book each week.


Water Bottles and Snacks

Children should have a water bottle, clearly labelled with their name, all clothing should also be labelled. There is no need for your child to bring in a snack as fruit is provided at every first break, also rucksacks are not needed, only book bags should come in to school.


School Meals

We know some parents have had difficulty in ordering a hot meal for their child. The contact number for Feeding Hungry Minds is : 01924792334 or you can email them at ALL children are expected to take up the free hot meal which is offered, please do register your child and place an order for a meal. If your child has any allergies we are able to give you an allergy form to complete which we will send to the catering company.


EARRINGS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT ANY TIME - if your child does have pierced ears then please remove the earrings before they come to school.

Home Learning and Tapestry

It is so important to spend the time reading with your child. We would advise you to read with your child for 15 minutes every day to support them with their reading and language development. Each child is given a reading eggs login which is an app designed to support children with phonics and early reading skills.

We send home weekly phonics posters to share the week's sounds and tricky words and some letter formation work.

We also share children's observations and wow moments with parents through the Tapestry app. 




We teach phonics through the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised synthetic phonics scheme. Please click the link below which will take you to the phonics page for parents. 


Fruit kebabs

Pumpkin Tasting

St Nicholas


    For All Saint's Day on November 1st, we learned about our class Saint, St Nicholas. 


Did you know? St Nicholas was born in Lycia, which is now known as Turkey, almost 2000 years ago.

He spent most of his life helping others and giving to those in need. He dedicated his life to serving God and is now the patron saint of children and students. 

Remembrance Day Poppies

Traditional Tales Spring 1

People Who Help Us Spring 2



Police visit 21.3.24


The Mayor of Kingston visit

Firefighter visit

Science Week 2024

Colour mixing

Floating and sinking


Magnetic butterflies
