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Subject Co-ordinator: Mr Burbage


When the children in our School Council were asked about what they like about science they said “investigating, and finding out new things”. They commented on how they share their ideas with others and learn new skills whilst using different scientific equipment. They talked about science shows that have visited the school, visits they have made to nature reserves and museums.


When our school staff were asked about what makes good science learning, they said that science should foster awe and wonder, that children should be encouraged to come up with their own questions to investigate and that, within a safe environment, children be prepared to explore and be inquisitive about the world around them.


There are three aims in the Primary Science curriculum, to ensure that all children:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. These enquiry skills can be broken down into

 Asking questions

 Observing and measuring 

 Planning and setting up different types of enquiries 

 Identifying and classifying  

 Performing tests

 Gathering and recording data

 Using equipment

 Reporting, presenting and communicating data/findings

  • Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.


The National Curriculum for Science can be found by clicking on the link and the programmes of study for each year group can be found as an attachment below.


Every year we have a 'Science Week' in school which involves lots of fun science happening in classes, a lunch time science club and a whole school science challenge.

There will be more information to follow about visiting science shows.


Science in the Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage has its own curriculum and teaches science within the areas: communication and language, understanding the world and personal, social and emotional development. 

Examples of activites that take place:

    -Mixing colours

    -Gardening and composting

    -Using guttering to move water

    -Water walls

    -Taste testing

    -Observational drawings

    -Learning how to look after themselves

    -Collaborative play to help with problem solving and building

    -Exploring materials with the three little pigs

    -Observing chicks hatching and looking after them 

National Curriculum Programmes of Study

Science topics for each Year Group
