Home Page


Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Primary School.  We are a small, friendly, one-form entry school on the edge of Kingston Town Centre.  We welcome visitors to see the fantastic work taking place in our school.  We are linked with our Parish St Raphael's, which can be found on the Portsmouth Road, Kingston.


Please find below the schools Admissions Policy, Supplementary Information Form and Priest's Declaration Form and our application form. Please read the policy closely to ensure you have included all forms necessary to support your application. Forms should be returned to the school along with copies of your child's birth and baptism certificates.


All applications for Reception and in-year applications for Years 1-6 will also need to be made via the Kingston Local Authority: 

Reception - September 2025

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 they are eligible to start school in September 2025. The closing date for applications is 15th January 2025. 


Any applications for St Joseph's should be made online to Kingston Council via .  In addition, St Joseph's supplementary forms & application forms should be returned direct to the school office by the closing date of 15th January 2025. 


All on time applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application, by email, from School Admissions, on Tuesday 16th April 2025 (national offer day).


We are holding open days for parents to visit our school. 

Thursday 10th October at 9.15a.m.   

Thursday 14th November at 2.00p.m. 

Wednesday 4th December at 9.15a.m.  

Please contact the school office: to book a place.

Nursery Admissions

Children are eligible to join our Nursery the term after their third birthday.  At St Joseph's we have two intakes, September and January. The closing date for Nursery admissions for September 2025/January 2026 is 8th March 2025 (tbc).  Application and supplementary forms should be returned directly to the school office by the closing date.


Our Nursery open morning for prospective parents to visit will be held on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 9.30a.m.  Please contact the school office to book a place.



Places will be offered to parents by letter before 3rd May 2025.

Nursery hours are:

Morning Session

8.30-11.30a.m. Monday-Friday

Afternoon Session

12.20-3.20pm Monday-Friday

30 hour provision


(Lunchtime period 11.30am-12.15pm)


30 Hours Nursery Provision


At St Joseph's we currently offer 8, 30 hour places for eligible children who meet the Government criteria. If you are unsure of your eligibility you can check at   Parents should indicate on the application form their interest in the extended hours. (Offers are made subject to availability) If you are offered a 30 hour place there will be a charge of £3.50 per day to cover the lunch period from 11.30-12.15p.m. which is in addition to the funded 30 hours. The charge will be billed every half term.  Please note that your child is not required to stay for the lunch period - you will however need to make appropriate arrangements for their care between 11.30-12.15p.m.  If you are not eligible for the government funded additional hours, there may be the possibility of applying for paid sessions, if places are available after the funded places are offered.

In-Year Applications
Applications in year for a place at the school, must be made via Kingston Local Authority (e-Admissions) (or the local authority where you live). 


In addition the St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Application and Supplementary Forms should be completed and returned to the school. The same criteria as listed in our Admissions Policy will be applied in the ranking process.


Waiting Lists
Parents may ask for their child’s name to be placed on a waiting list for a school place. The waiting list will be operated using the same criteria as detailed in the Admissions Policy. Placing a child on a waiting list does not guarantee that a place will become available. It is possible for a waiting list position to change if an application is received from another child who has a higher priority according to our admission criteria. The waiting list will be held until a place is no longer required.
