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Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness


This half term our focus is random acts of kindness. We are encouraging the staff and children to perform acts of kindness around school, at home and in the world. Children are able to write kind words or thank you notes to individuals, their class or the whole school on special slips of paper that we have provided. If children get caught performing a random act of kindness they may even receive a mini-certificate.

I am sure you will be as pleased as we are to celebrate kindnesses your children have performed.


Please see below ideas of acts of kindness that you and your children can perform. The idea is that the kindness is done unprompted.

We would love to hear of any acts that you, or your children, have carried out outside of school and want to share with us.


Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness

In School

  • Open the door for somebody

  • Play with a child that looks lonely/sad

  • Use the RAK cards to tell children or staff what you like about them

  • Use the RAK cards to say thank you to another child or member of staff

  • Post a positive message for everyone to read, on the ‘Kindness’ posters around the school

  • Listen to a friend who needs to talk

  • Make a new friend

  • Clear up any mess you see

  • Smile and say ‘hello’ to everyone you see

  • Create a ‘Kindness’ bookmark to give to someone, or leave in a book for someone to find

  • Include as many people as you can in your games

  • Help someone who doesn’t understand something

  • Share

  • Offer for your classmate to go first

  • Compliment the first 3 people you see every day

  • Be a partner with someone, who normally has trouble finding one

  • Compliment someone on the effort they have made


    At home

  • Write/make a thank you card for your parent or carer

  • Clear up any mess you see

  • Thank your parents/carers when they do something for you like cook you a meal

  • Offer to help with the chores or cooking dinner

  • Ask your family how their day has been

  • Collect food for a foodbank

  • Donate unwanted clothes, toys and books to charity or to the hospital

  • Tell someone why they are special to you



  • Clean up litter from the street (and don’t leave litter!)

  • Always use re-usable bags when you go shopping

  • Donate or volunteer for a charity

  • Hang up a bird feeder

  • Be kind to insects and spiders

  • Be polite


    What else can you think of ?
