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Catholic Education

Chaplaincy day at Richard Challoner School

Pentecost prayers in our special prayer garden (Year 2)

Happy Easter! Have a look at the children's wonderful Easter bonnets and egg decorations!

Fr Michael visited Year 2 to talk about the Bible

Well done KS1 on a wonderful Nativity performance!

Our class saints door displays in readiness for All Saint's Day

Year 5 Harvest Assembly

Our School 'GROWING' Values - Children presented their class value to the rest of the school.

Beginning of year Mass at St George's Cathedral - The children's first trip as the new C.A.T team.


Our School Prayers

Words from Pope Francis


Jesus might grant to each one of us the grace of meeting Him every day, to knowing and to specifically recognise that He walks with us in every moment. He is our companion along the pilgrim way

- Pope Francis, April 26th 2020


At this time of great uncertainty, it is important that, as Catholics, we don’t lose sight of the solace found through participation in the rich tapestry of prayer and liturgical traditions within the Church. The websites in the document below may be of some help to you at home, to join together in worship and prayer as a family.

Find out more about the RE curriculum in our School.