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Section 48 Inspection

Catholic Schools Inspections (CSI)


Following two interrupted years due to Covid-19, Catholic schools inspections (formerly known as Section 48 inspections)  recommenced in Autumn 2022. St Joseph's had their most recent visit in November 2022.

Comments From Our Denominational Inspection Report

"There is a strong sense of community at all levels, evident in the quality of relationships observed between governors, teachers, support staff, pupils and parents. One member of staff described the school as a happy and supportive community: ‘we are one family’."


"Parents speak of the school’s ‘strong Catholic presence’. They experience the Catholic life through the caring ethos and sense of community promoted by school leaders and staff who are ‘always visible and approachable’. Parents describe St Joseph’s as a school where teachers ‘go the extra mile’; ‘Some schools care just about the numbers, this school cares about the individual.’"


"Leaders and governors prioritise the wellbeing of every member of the school community which impacts positively on pupils’ progress and success."


"Staff work hard to plan and deliver engaging and inspiring lessons so that all pupils, whatever their faith background and starting point, can access and enjoy their learning."

RE Denominational Inspection Report November 2022
