Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 Michael Morpurgo Class!


Teacher: Miss Ferguson

TA: Mrs Kavazova


Contacting Us

The best way to contact the year 5 team is by either contacting the office, to which they will pass any messages on, or emailing via:

Alternatively, please do not hesitate to speak to me at the end of the day on the playground during pick up.  


Reading Books
All children have a reading book and a reading record diary that they are asked to take home and share with parents and carers. When they have read their book, children are able to change them when they arrive at school each morning. Please sign your name and feel free to write any comment each time you listen to your child read, and also when they have completed their book. Please try and listen to your child read daily at home.

Home Learning

Maths, English and Spellings are handed out every Friday and need to be handed back in to the class teacher on the following Wednesday. As part of home learning, Year 5 are expected to complete activities and challenges via the Times Tables Rock Stars and Reading Eggs websites. One Reading Egg challenge must be completed per month and Times Tables Rock Stars challenges weekly.



Our PE days are THURSDAY and FRIDAY. Children must come to school wearing their PE kit on THURSDAY ONLY. Please ensure your child has the correct kit for this. No jewellery is permitted. On Friday mornings the children will have their swimming lessons. They must come to school on Friday in their school uniform but bring with them their swimming kit; swimming costume/shorts, swimming hat, goggles and a towel. 


Music with Kingston Music Service (KMS)

This year, the children will be learning how to play the ukulele, delivered weekly by KMS. Ukuleles will be provided by the school. Children may be asked to take ukuleles home in order to practice material learnt in class. These MUST be returned to school every Wednesday ready for their ukulele lessons.  


Medium Term Plans

English - Goodnight Mister Tom


Links Within Website
