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Nursery - Mary and the Guardian Angels

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Mary was chosen by God to be the Mother of His Son, she was preserved from the stain of original sin for that reason, she was raised gloriously from the tomb and crowned Queen of Heaven by God. As our Mother; our salvation is more of a concern for her than for any other saint. St. Bernard declares that all the love of all the mothers in the world does not equal the love of Mary for each of her children. The reason she cares so much for us is by reason of her greater love of God; consequently her charity towards others extends so much more than that of the other saints. Mary knows all our circumstances. Perhaps because she was preserved from original sin herself; she all the more pities, loves and wishes to help us. It has been said that her love for us, her children, represents a boundless ocean of love.


Guardian angels

The belief that we each have a guardian angel has been common to Christians for hundreds of years. It is very comforting to know and believe that we each have an angel guarding and protecting us.

Our guardian angel is a gift from our loving God. They are given to us to guide our thoughts, words and actions and keep us from all harm and evil.
