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Summer 1 Well-being focus: Honesty


This half-term’s well-being focus is honesty. Children will be thinking about what it means to be honest. In class, the children will be discussing what this means to them and hearing stories about the importance of being honest. The children have had an assembly on the value of honesty, including:

  • Honesty is telling the truth about things.

  • Honesty is being reliable and doing what you say you will.

  • Honesty is keeping promises.

  • Honesty builds trust.

  • If you tell a lie or don’t tell the whole truth – people will find it hard to believe you.

  • We need to be able to trust our friends and the people around us.

  • Honesty means doing the right thing even if no-one is around.

  • We shared ideas on the reason that people are tempted to be dishonest.

  • We thought about how we felt when people lied to us, and how it felt to tell the truth.

    As always, we will be using the values the children have learned when discussing friendships, behaviour and in our learning overall. Children trust others when they are honest. In turn, children tell the truth when they trust. Honesty is a virtue and it can be taught to children. The children will be reminded that honest people tell the truth despite consequences and voice their opinions in a kind, thoughtful way.


    The children have been reminded that St Joseph’s is a telling school, meaning we tell an adult if we see someone being unkind, doing damage or taking something that is not theirs. This is how we can help keep everyone safe.


    Things you can do at home to support this theme.


  • Discuss what it means to be honest-but is it always right to be honest? If you are asked for an opinion, for example.

  • Talk about everyday events.

  • Read ‘The Boy who Cried Wolf’ or other stories about honesty and trust.

  • Behave honestly yourself and talk about it, especially when it is difficult.


