Hello and welcome to St Joseph's Nursery!
We hope you and your child will be very happy here. We aim to help your child prepare for the world of education and value your support and collaboration (after all no-one knows your child as well as you do!) If you have anything you want to talk to us about please do; one of us is always available at the start or end of sessions, so don't hesitate to speak to us.
If you are not collecting your child yourself please inform us or the office of the change and provide us with the name of the contact so we can inform your child and reassure them if necessary.
If your child is going to be absent please inform our office on: 0208 546 7178.
If you would like to spend some time with us seeing what we get up to during a session please ask. We are always happy to share our learning with our families (it is easier if there aren't too many at a time).
Please click here for uniform requirements.
Make sure every item is clearly labelled with their name. If they are not named please don't expect to always get it back especially on a PE day, we always try to match sweatshirts with the correct child but it isn't always possible.
Expectations, Motto, and Prayers
Our class expectations are that we use our:
Our motto (chosen by the children) is "sharing is caring"
Our prayers are:
God made the Earth, and God made the sky,
God made the fish and the birds that fly,
God made the flowers and God made the trees,
God made EVERYTHING and God made ME!
Oh my God I give to you,
All that I think and say and do.
All my words and my happy play,
I will give to God today.
If you would like more information please let us know.
Reading and Book Bags
All the children are encouraged to take a book home nightly in their book bags.
Please read to them every night so they can share the stories with us and their friends. The children are very excited to change their books and the more they read the better!