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Sports Day

What a fabulous day on Friday 6th July for the whole school. We managed to survive the heat to take part in another wonderful sports day for the children of St Josephs. 

The day started with our fantastic gymnastics team who choreographed their own routine to perform in front of the whole school and the parents/guardians who came to support - they were amazing. 

All the children turned up on the day wearing the new P.E T-shirts which represented the colour of the house they belong to. Fisher House were hoping to defend their title from 2017 however, this year, Campion House snatched the title away by only 7 points and were declared the Sports Day Winners for 2018.

Sports Day allowed children to showcase some of the skills they have learnt in P.E with Mr Ford such as Javelin, Standing Long Jump, Hurdles and Sprinting. 

This day was made extra special by the fantastic turn out from the parents and the effort and enthusiasm shown by the children, despite the heat.

Thank you to all those who took part in the parent's race - competitive as always but such fun for the children. Thankfully, all stretches were completed before hand resulting in zero injuries.

The last race of the day was the much anticipated Teachers V House Captains - the Teachers were especially anxious about this as they needed to regain the title after losing for the last 3 years in a row. It was a closely contested race but it was clear the Teachers had been practising (especially the baton handover) and they came away the winners - this win was celebrated with great delight and relief. 

Everyone had such a fantastic day and showed the wonderful St Joseph's spirit we are known for, roll on next year!

